Saturday, 1 August 2009


One of the perils of campaigning at outdoor events is the weather and boy was that the case today. A brave team of us made it all the way out to Kings Norton for the 3 Estates festival, erected our gazebo and stood under it as the rain lashed down.
Even with our canvas cover overhead it was almost impossible to keep any of the campaigns materials from getting soggy unless they were in plastic boxes (luckily they were thanks to the foreward-thinking Campaigns Coordinator who had provided just the things). After a couple of hours one of the organisers came and put us out of our misery, saying that the amount of water was becoming a health and safety issue, so everyone had to start packing up.
We did get a few letters signed and hopefully made a good contact with a residents group down there who are very interested in getting us along to talk to their members, but this will not go down as one of the most successful days campaigning I've ever done.
Thanks to the volunteers who came along (and those who were half way there when the call went out to turn back and head home). A memorable day, if not for the right reasons.