Our recent economic crisis has been a huge blow to all world economies. The poor are those who are generally hit by how the market has slowed down. As first world leaders rely on how the markets predict spending/public patterns in buying. We need first world governments to introduce a market which is not based on speculation, as public spending pattens vary, but rather a more coherent approach to how markets are governed is needed.
Markets can either generate wealth and transform lives , or they can marginalise the poor and increase inequality and degrade the natural world on which we are very much dependant on.
Small food producers, farmers can only have an influence on the way they operate if they use their power to increase productivity and sales, which would enable them to set better prices and to allow their workers to be paid a better wage. This is only made easier for those who have a major infulence on how they want to govern their large business, such as large land owners, intensive farmers and large food producers.
Markets are governed by too many intensive rules and regulations, contracts, credit, bargening and far too much competition, this causes developing world farmers and British farmers to look for a way to get out of farming, as they are finding farming isn't lucrative enough for them to continue with, as they are not being supported by their government to make farming worth while. British farmers seem to get a raw deal as British produce is deamed expensive and therefore sourced from countries who are selling there food much cheaper such as Eastern Europe, which makes it attractive for buyers. Countries such as Africa and India they can't afford to sell their goods at low prices as farming is a major part of their life structure and selling food at a low price is not an option. Even the cost of food for some being sold at a high price increases their already poverty stricken lives and this cause unnessesary demonstrations and rioting., which should not be something one ought to be doing to have a meal on one's table.
Farming is no longer seen as an industry to pass on through the family line as most farmers are abandoning farming, as their children don't see farming or producing food as an exciting or interesting way to make a living. Most people are heading to cities which are often over crowed to look for work which is generally hard to find, this adds to our already poverty stricken world and causing farms to be left abandoned or sold and this will then cause a huge short fall in food production and will then allow big businesses to produce our food, which would allow a huge drop in standards in the way our food is produced.
The way in which the market is set should not be allowed to dictate farmers/food producers lives, especially for those living in poorer countreis or small scale farmers in Britain. Instead the market should help influence and support those who are very much in need, by helping them store any grain/ crop which can be used in a leaner season and enable them to be more in control of what they are growing/producing.
Instead markets should be used for sustainable growth to help enhance rural communities, promoting tourism, small scale farming which would work towards building any one particular local economy, which is the driving force towards a global ecconomy.
If our global ecconomy is to survive governments need to get rid of the old school gentlemans agreement approach to our ecconomy and perhaps set a fixed price for 5 years to allow our global economy a chance to recover and livelyhoods to be saved.